Accidental Death on the Job

Assessing the Financial and Personal Impact of a Death

The sudden death of a family member in an accident brings grief and an uncertain future to a family. If the deceased was the primary wage earner, the financial outlook may be bleak, adding to an already tragic situation. At the law office of William D. Acton, Jr., in Charlotte, I represent clients in wrongful death claims when negligence played a role in the loss of a loved one.

I will handle your wrongful death claim with compassion and dignity, and direct all my efforts in seeing that justice is served.

Handling the Legal Aspects of Your Wrongful Death Claim

You obviously need to focus on the next step in your life after suffering any family tragedy. As your attorney, I see my job as fully respecting that fact while using my legal experience and knowledge to attend to the legal aspects relating to your wrongful death claim. My job is proving that an accident caused by negligence resulted in death.

Your Rights to Compensation in a Wrongful Death Claim

While no amount of money will temper the grief you are feeling, tangible and intangible losses must be assessed. There is value in income contributions forever lost, particularly if the deceased was the primary wage earner. Loss of love and affection from a departed family member are also damages that demand compensation. Interviews with family and friends help paint a picture of loss.